Evolver Spores: Edge-u-cation / Evolver Social Movement

As the global economy and our planetary environment continue to mutate at a rapid pace, we need a new approach to education. As school tuitions skyrocket and students express frustration in the US and abroad, the academic curriculum has also become dated. Many schools and universities indoctrinate people into belief systems and ideologies that are now outmoded, or train them for jobs that will no longer exist by the time they graduate. At the same time, basic skills that support self-sufficiency and sustainability are not taught.

A new approach to education is necessary - one that fits an ever-more globalized and rapidly transforming world. In our contemporary culture, learning how to learn and how to think independently is just as important as mastering any particular technical skill. Through the global commons, the quest for self-realization and self-knowledge via education no longer needs to be mediated by institutions, but can become a perpetual process of creativity and discovery.

This month, the Evolver Social Movement invites you to participate in one of our 40+ Spore chapters as we examine the evolving dynamic of how we learn as individuals and communities. Spores can explore new models for experiential learning, and theorists like James Mofett, Ivan Illich, John Taylor Gatto, Anya Kamenetz, Ken Robinon, and Paolo Friere. We will consider what it means to "deschool society" while empowering the individual to take responsibility for themselves and their world. Click on the link below to connect with your local Spore, or email remi((at))evolver((dot))net to start your own.